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My Roswell Experience

Birthday celebration with my alien friend

This was my July 2007 experience in Roswell, New Mexico, USA.

Link to my friend's page Pygoya

Pygoya's book
Pygoya's book Link to the detailled story of my Roswell experience, enjoy it . There are pictures from the UFO crash site from July 1947. You will find pictures from the 60th anniversary of the Roswell experience.

Link zur detaillierten Geschichte meiner Erfahrung bei der Absturzstelle eines UFOS im Jahre 1947 in Roswell, Neu Mexiko, USA.

Die "UFO-Stadt" Roswell stand ganz im Bann des Ereignisses von 1947 - 60 Jahre danach! Kaum ein Geschäft wo nicht irgendwelche "Aliens" in einem Schaufenster stehen. Sogar in den Supermärkten.

Roswell 2007

In the city of Roswell
In the city of Roswell The whole city is infiltrated with extraterrestrial life forms

Roswell 2007

Roswell Museum
Roswell Museum At the Roswell Museum with world famous UFO researcher and book author Stanton Friedman.

Roswell 2007

Roswell's 60th Anniversary Festival
Roswell's 60th Anniversary Festival UIL with friends