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Rolf Waeber's World of Acting, Modeling, Books

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Video book trilogy volume 1



Here you will find all about my experiences in the movie world as actor, secondary actor, extra and model.
You also will find important infos about my books.
Discover mysteries not known to most humans.
Finally you can enjoy a look into my world as a frequent world traveler.

Please visit also my Art, Poetry, Real Estate, Anti Aging, Longevity, Travel & Vacation web site:


I have been born in 1955 in the small village of Scherzingen in Switzerland. After school education I began to study all about computers.

Since 1973 I have worked as a mainframe computer analyst and a programmer. I speak fluent German, Spanish and English, and also understand French and Italian.

I have left Switzerland in 1994 and lived for five years in Ecuador, South America where I have worked temporarily as a tour guide and climbed several mountains. I have made extensive tours in the highlands where I also came in contact with the Inca culture.

I came back to Switzerland in November 1999 because of political upheavals in the Andean country and am now living in Zurich, Switzerland.

At the early age I have been interested in science fiction, later in parapsychology, then in the whole esoteric world. I always have been very interested about alien beings and UFOs.

I have been a member of a German and an American UFO group and attended several international meetings.

I have made a trip for fire-walking (walking with bare feet on charcoal at a temperature of about 800 degrees Celsius) and mastered this challenge with bravery.

I love nature, especially the mountains, and I am a passionate hiker/trekker.

Video book trilogy volume 2

Testimonials & Recommendations

Photographer: Adelaide Freitas, Lisboa, Portugal
Photographer: Adelaide Freitas, Lisboa, Portugal

T E S T I M O N I A L S & R E C O M M E N D A T I O N S

For testimonials and recommendations,
please visit following page:

Die Eremitin
Die Eremitin Volume1 of the Trilogy This book is published in Germany, November 21. 2009 by Printsystem Medienverlag

B O O K S written by R O L F W A E B E R :

1) All my books available at Amazon UK:
2) Shop Info in MY BOOKS, now you can buy directly and comfortably here at Amazon worldwide with secure server.

Book-1: "An Overview of Extraterrestrial Races - Who Is Who in the Greatest Game of History"
1) Foto gallery with pictures from Nicolás Colino Luis (all texts in Spanish language)
-->Todos los textos en castellano:!/media/set/?set=a.1085425463463.2013702.1461201742&type=1
2) Testimonials for the book: "An Overview of Extraterrestrial Races":
3) Reader's comments to "An Overview of Extraterrestrial Races" book:
4) Book reading in Passau, Germany:
5) Book signing at the Frankfurt Book Fair, Germany:
6) Testimonial from New York for my first book: "An Overview of Extraterrestrial Races"
7) Links "AG-AGRIA" on my-books page
8) Book at Amazon Germany:

Book-2: "Die Eremitin - Wundersame Begegnungen (The Female Hermit vol. 1")
1) Photos and reader's comments for my trilogy novel "The Female Hermit":
2) Book readings at the Nordheim Flower Show in July 2011
3) Synopsis for volume one of my trilogy: "The Female Hermit" added
4) My new novel: "Die Eremitin - Wundersame Begegnungen" volume one, testimonials from readers:
5) My new novel: "Die Eremitin - Wundersame Begegnungen" is now available at my book shop
6) Novel now available at
7) Book: The Female Hermit (Die Eremitin), part one of the trilogy, published by December 2009

Book-3: "Die Eremitin - Die Ruinenstadt (The Female Hermit vol. 2")
2) Interview by Art-View-Maker, Zurich, Switzerland:
3) Interview by Art-View-Maker, Zurich, Switzerland:

Book-4: "Die Eremitin - Die Spurenleserin (The Female Hermit vol. 3")
1) at Amazon Germany:

... and as E-Books in Kindle Edition):

A C T I N G :

1) New recommendation for my international acting from American/Indian movie company:
2) Actor Rolf, interview in Swiss newspaper: Berner Zeitung
3) Actor Rolf, starring in Braegger & Thomann image film - video added
4) Actor Rolf, "Der Grosse Kater"(Swiss/German movie): 4 links
5) Video Lungenliga added
6) Several links for the Swiss/German movie: "Der Grosse Kater" with actor Rolf as Master of Ceremonies,
Rolf in Tagesanzeiger, Blick, NZZ, and more Swiss newspapers and in the News on TV

7) Youtube Video "Helsana" with me as the doctor
8) Trailer: "The Legend of Naya" where I play a manager
9) Photo Gallery: "The Legend of Naya" added
10) Picture of Adobe Film Festival: We won the first prize (I play the stressed American manager)
11) Check out my new pages: doubles of famous actors like: Michael Douglas, Dustin Hoffman, Pierre Besson
12) German movie director Daniel Staller added: links and pictures
13) Rock Circus video with me in three roles on the acting video page
14) Three Spots with me on the acting video page
15) Trailer "Dreamwalker". Enjoy the Youtube video. I am playing the Village Elder.
16) Chapter “Premiere” of movie “Dreamwalker”, Rolf Waeber acting in an important role as Frank Morrisson, Village Eldest.
17) Adobe Video, Winner of International Competition 2008, Principal Actor Rolf Waeber

M Y S T E R Y :

1) Video on the mystery pages: Red/Blood Rain in India, Alien origins?
2) Kapustin Jar, the Russian Roswell, 5 videos
3) UFO Fleet Over Germany, October 22, 2008
4) Alien Cover Up picture
5) My Roswell, NM experience with a Grey Alien
6) Videos in Mystery pages: Atlantis & Lemuria
7) Videos in Mystery pages: UFOs & Aliens
8) Link of my friend Yeva, Asheville, NC – Yeva’s Universe. She is owner of the world biggest alien collection! Enjoy it!
9) Video series: Answers of an alien from Andromeda:

Meta Tags

Rolf Waeber "book author, author, writer,actor, secondary actor, extra, model, movie, trafford, UFO, OVNI, PSI, extraterrestrials, parapsychology, OBE, Atlantis, Lemuria, rowaeber, aliens, Yasni, Ecademy, Xing, Niran, Nizstaro" - Business Networking on Ecademy


Rolf Waeber

Dee Dee Diane Lorraine Fisher

Last modification 04.11.2023

Zugriffe heute: 39 - gesamt: 11681.