
NDE (Near Death Experience)
A millionaire's new attitude towards greed and profit after a near death experience along with a telepathic message from beings of light.
Gregg Braden in Switzerland March 23, 2013
Basler Psi-Verein
Evidence of Reincarnation
Walter Semkiw, MD and Jim Tucker, MD discuss the reincarnation research of Ian Stevenson, MD, which involves children's past life memories that can be factually verified. Children's past lives provide evidence or proof of reincarnation and are presented as reincarnation stories at Dr. Semkiw also introduces the reincarnation case of Anne Frank | Barbro Karlen. Barbro Karlen relates her childhood past life memories of being Holocaust victim Anne Frank. Barbro was a child prodigy writer, much like Anne, and Barbro has the same facial features as Anne. Anne Frank was persecuted as a Jew by the Nazis, whereas Barbro was born into a Christian family in Sweden 9 years after Anne's death. This case dramatically shows how religion and nationality can change from one lifetime to another, an observation that can transform society and make the world a more peaceful place. Note that if the Nazis knew that one could be born Jewish in one incarnation and Christian in another, then the Holocaust could never have happened. Reincarnation research also shows that we plan lifetimes to be reunited with loved ones & to equalize karma from past life relationships.
searching for time travelers
After Life
The Afterlife Files could ‘transform our world,’ Moster says; part 2
Todd Moster, who has established a Kickstarter campaign beginning January 28, 2015 for a proposed series called The Afterlife Files, said he is about to undertake "the greatest feat of scientific detective work ever undertaken."
From Stephen Wagner, your Guide to Paranormal
They say humans are the only creatures that can ponder their own mortality: We all know we're going to die someday. To cope with that awesome knowledge we also have developed various beliefs in the possibility of some kind of existence after we leave this Earth. See this week's feature article for glimpses of those possibilities.
A Glimpse of the Afterlife
What happens to you after you die? What is it like on the "other side"? Here are several reports from people who believe they have seen the other side and have returned to describe it. Many times it is incredibly beautiful... but not always. Here are their fascinating experiences.