
Emma Ravalimanana, Paris, France
Date: 2009/8/30
I look after your DVD movies! Congratulations! Very fantastics! Wish you happy success and would to see you with Oscar Award soon!
Isabel V., Philippines
Date: 2009/2/10
Hi Rolf! How are you? No wonder that you are an actor as with your looks, you certainly got the qualities of an actor and for one to succeed in your business, you should possess the x- factor. I really am certain you got it and I am glad that I have a friend who is a writer too...

Comment of Daniel Staller, German movie director:
Daniel Staller, July 2009
Zudem komplettieren die Nebendarsteller Klemens Trenkle (Schauspieler und Set Assistent) und Rolf Waeber die Crew. Die beiden Schweizer sind unverzichtbar für mich und mittlerweile zu guten Freunden herangewachsen. Ihre Performance in "Dreamwalker" war einwandfrei. Allerdings komplettieren sie die Crew erst an den Drehtagen im August. Schade!

Movie “Bad Siren”, director: Daniel Staller, Germany
Comment of Nicolá MelissiAn, German actress:
Nicola Melissian, 12.11.2008 08:28 PM
Vielen lieben Dank für die DVD, ich finde, dass Du als nicht ausgebildeter Schauspieler sehr großes Talent und Potential hast. Liebe Grüße Nicola´
Comment of Doris Sutter, German author and travel correspondent:
Doris Sutter, 02.01.2009 10:09 AM
Hallo Rolf, ein schönes, erfolgreiches neues Jahr für dich und deine Familie. Klar hab ich den Film angeguckt. Er war sehr beeindruckend, manchmal bedrückend in seiner Endzeitstimmung. Du hast eine gute Firgur gemacht.
Comment of Doris Wiesendanger, Swiss secondary actress:
Doris Wiesendanger, 25.11.2008 05:29 PM
Hallo Rolf, Danke für Deine CD. Ich fand diese sehr gut und ich möchte sagen, Du bist wirklich telegen. Vielleicht ergatterst Du doch einmal eine grössere Rolle im Deutschen Fernsehen. Ich habe das Gefühl, Du kennst doch schon einige wichtige Leute.
Dass ich auf Deiner Homepage bin, finde ich natürlich toll.
Weiterhin viele gute Aufträge im Filmbusiness. Lieber Gruss D o r i s
Janie Pendleton, Novelist [ 16-Nov-08 12:15am ]
Well....I just had to add 'another' testimonial for Rolf as he recently sent me his new 2008 movie "Bad Siren", where Rolf plays the only lead/male role. He first appears in a shadow stricken hallway, which by the way, scared the bejeebies out of after scaring two young woman, he soon hooks up with them and another woman in fearless pursuit to find out what evil forces are taking over their small village. This film consisted of human zombies that were once friendly neighbors to the foursome, and had several scarey nightime creepers, all mind controlled and ready to kill for what seems to be an alien type force. Aliens are never seen in this flick, but, I was still chilled and creeped through most of this "B" style horror film. The movie is in German. I believe English Subtitles, French Subtitles, would really enhance the sales of this movie beyond the local crowd. Rolf is an excellent actor and I believe his role was extremely supportive of the other woman's parts.
Great job to Rolf and his co-actors and to all the producers and extras that made this movie so interesting. I am looking forward to his book and to his next film.
Janie Pendleton, Novelist
Best War/Romance Novel 2008 Award Winner
Adobe Festival

Naina Ghatak, India, May 7, 2011
Doing the business of films together seems very relevant, Rolf !
My partner (Founder-Director of Zymer) and I would certainly love to explore working with you on your novel trilogy. Would love to go with your confidence/ belief of its being a hit. Rolf, you deserve much more than a job (am sure you know that).
I need to tell you at this point that it was the hard work of my partner that had won us the recognition in Asheville. Too nice and generous of the people to appreciate our efforts.
Presently, we are totally focussed in working on our current project (tv series in hindi) in India. Request you to give us some time before we can deep dive into discussions with you. As of now, I can tell you that we would definitely love to film your novel in 3 languages (Hindi, English and French).
Could you please give me a very brief idea on the subject of this novel trilogy of yours?
Also, I have to say that you have very intense looks and hence, as an actor can do real justice to intense roles (am sure you know this too !). The intense looks of yours are natural and hence God-gifted.
I look forward to hearing from you further and soon enough.
Ninon de Vere De Rosa, Beverly Hills California, USA
October 19, 2011
I love your tenacity of life and way of life and how honest you are. One day you will be a famous actor, and then I can say I knew you. Keep me posted.