Die Eremitin (female hermit)
Synopsis for volume ONE
A NOVEL TRILOGY by Rolf Waeber
This is the story of a woman and mother who is in her fifties. She left her home to live in the mountains a spiritual and adventurous live in pure nature:
She always wanted to do the best for everybody; a loving, selfless soul who did not have much in common with the selfish culture in the cities.
She is on the way to her inner self, she discovers immeasurable fountains of power on her way to solitude.
On her journey she encounters again and again barely solvable tasks, which she can solve in a fantastic way with her high intelligence and love to God.
Her fascinating adventures on the glacier and her encounters with beings who be thought no longer exists let her develop her abilities to a very high level.
The surprising happenings on her journey into the unknown challenge her boldness and her outstanding intelligence. She is not frightened of any danger.
Her unlimited love let her manifest wonders and opens unknown realms to her.
In utter need or danger wondrous beings help her.

Here the overview for readers who want to know more about the novel trilogy:
In volume ONE Maria decided to start a completely new life. She left her home and went to the mountains for living alone in full nature, away from modern civilization. The time is nowadays, not in the past. She has quite some adventures there. Later then she was lost below a glacier, she found a new love in a hidden hut in the mountains. The young man has been a Scotts count. They move to Scotland, marry and later some attacks of terrorist occur against her, because she helps poor people much. The first part ends when she was saved in the Ural mountains by Russian and Ucranian Helicopter teams and brought to St. Petersburg to a modern hospital.
In volume TWO she comes back to Scotland. She got three kids.... from her first husband. She later on will be kidnapped by terrorists again and brought to Irak. There, because of her extraordinary intelligence and special gifts/talents, she escapes again and finally encountered a very antique ruin town. There she will be saved and brought to hospital because off severe injuries she has got. The hospital is in Syria. She finally is save and with help of FBI and Scotts Government the ruin town will be built up again. She decides to live there for the rest of her earthly life. One day she enters a labyrinth in this antique town and she does not find the entrance anymore, because of special circumstances. She finally got out of this labyrinth, highly pregnant again and wants to rest on the sea shore of Black Sea, but the ship was not fixed well and she finds her awake, alone in the middle of the ocean. Dolphins and whale save her from a severe storm. She will be at a hospital in Sevastopol, who will be attacked again by terrorist boss Black Warrior. She gets injured heavily and this has consequences for the rest of her life. Finally she is save ... but ...
Synopsis in German language

Trilogie: Die Eremitin von Rolf Waeber
Band 1 - Wundersame Begegnungen
Dies ist die Geschichte einer Frau und Mutter in ihren Fünfzigern, welche ihr Zuhause verließ, um in den wilden Bergen im Einklang mit der Natur zu leben:
Maria wollte es immer allen recht machen; eine liebe selbstlose Seele, die nicht viel zu suchen hatte in der Ellbogengesellschaft.
Maria ist auf dem Weg in ihre eigene Mitte, sie entdeckt ihre unermesslichen Kraftquellen auf dem Weg in die Einsamkeit.
Auf ihrer Reise stößt sie immer wieder auf kaum lösbare Aufgaben, welche sie aber mit ihrer Intelligenz und Liebe zu Gott auf phantastische Weise meistern kann.
Ihre faszinierenden Abenteuer auf dem Gletscher und ihre Begegnungen mit verschollen geglaubten Wesen lässt sie reifen.
Die Überraschungen auf ihrer Reise ins Unbekannte fordern ihre Kühnheit und überragende Intelligenz heraus. Sie schreckt vor keinen Gefahren zurück.
Ihre unbegrenzte Liebe lässt sie Wunder vollbringen und öffnet ihr unbekannte Welten.
In der äußersten Not wird ihr von wundersamen Wesen geholfen.
Als sie sich nach einem Gletscherabstieg verirrt, lernte sie den schottischen Grafen Bastian kennen. Sie entschließt sich erneut, ein anderes Leben anzufangen und wird zur Gräfin Mc Oakland…
Band 2 - Die Ruinenstadt
Unter schweren Umständen kann Maria den Terroristen entkommen und genießt in Schottland eine kurze Zeit der Ruhe. In London überstürzen sich die Ereignisse und eine Tragödie prüft die ganze Familie aufs Schwerste. Erneut gelingt es ihr, sich aus den Händen der Terroristen zu befreien und ihre Flucht führt sie in eine ihr völlig unbekannte Region. Zufällig entdeckt sie eine Ruinenstadt in Kleinasien. Ein Ort, der unbekannte Gefahren verbirgt, sie jedoch auch zu erstaunlichen Erkenntnissen führt. Sie gerät hochschwanger im Schwarzen Meer in einen schweren Sturm. Delphine und kleine Wale schützen sie auf der stürmischen Reise... was dann passiert übertrifft alle Erwartungen...
Band 3 - Die Spurenleserin
Aufgrund einer gefundenen Flaschenpost macht sich die Spurenleserin Melina auf die Suche nach der verschollenen Tochter des Grafen Mengino. Sie will ihrem Vorgesetzten ihren Spürsinn beweisen. Ihre abenteuerliche Reise führt sie durch halb Afrika. Kaum hat sie das Mädchen gefunden und sich mit ihm angefreundet, wird sie schon wieder zu einem Sondereinsatz nach Nordafrika beordert. Bei Zwischenfällen bei der Befreiung gefangener Kinder geht jedoch nicht alles reibungslos und es gibt Verletzte auf der Seite der Befreier, so wird auch Melina verwundet. Die ausgetricksten Verbrecher schwören Rache für diese Niederlage und machen danach Jagd auf Melina um sie erbarmungslos zu töten. Die Ereignisse überstürzen sich und Melina wird aus dem Krankenzimmer entführt, um im Busch hingerichtet zu werden. In der Folge kehren vergessene Erinnerungen langsam zurück und verändern unwiderruflich das Weltbild mehrerer Personen in ihrem engsten Umkreis. Melina erfährt von Maria der Eremitin und ihrer gemeinsamen Bestimmung.
Reader's comments
Most are in German language. Here the link:
and for volume 2:
Pandit Ashes Sengupta (musician), India, Kolkata, August 16, 2016
I really like your books ...
Imma C., Germany, July 13, 2015
Your books inspired me of another view of life and its mysteries!
Imma C., Germany, March 27, 2014
I like your book by the first pages. It´s very inspiring. Greetings
Dee Dee Fisher (song writer & singer), USA, December 6, 2012
„I LOVE the layout. Very beautiful. Feels good and looks so good! Congratulations on your great accomplishments, Love u friend Dee Dee Fisher“
Esther M.C., Aruba, November 7, 2012
„Rolf, i am very impressed, about your book. I did travel with both Vessel, Queen Mary and Queen Elisabeth, out of New-York, what a great time, i was happily surprised, to read your book, about this excited story, wishing you good business. :) kind regards Esther.“
Naina G., India, July 20, 2011
Hi Rolf,
I love your persistent attitude. And soft persistence. Believe me and my words if you can.............You and the Female Hermit WILL be a BIG HIT in India. I really dont know the time. God will decide that. But it WILL be a hit. That is for sure.
Your hard work CANNOT go a waste.
God bless you.
Klinik Schedel, Passau, Germany

The Female Hermit
... in the beginnings of writing the book(s)
this is already history!
Months ago after a visit by my mother Hildegard Waeber, I got the idea of a new book.
My mother had invented a lot of tales and brought it to paper. I think she was even writing a part of them with semi-automatic writing.
The many sheets of paper in a "catastrophic linguistic style" would be thrown away, after her dead. Good Heavens – she is still in a pretty good shape with her 78 years of experience.
So I got the idea of a new book. I took a bunch of papers from her and started to edit, change, but letting her original idea living.
I also had and still have to change quite an amount of information, the basic story will be living in my new to be released book in Spring 2009.
A lot of work is still ahead of me.
The novel is a fantastic story about a woman and mother who left her home for living in the nature, in the mountains. There she meets very special people and beings who will accompany her on her fantastic journey. The title is "The Female Hermit". Unbelievable things happen in the book. She will have an adventurous life with great dedication to nature and God.
A great book, you should not miss, as it will be a wonderful movie too, as soon the script is written by a professional script writer. A German movie director is waiting for the script to start fund raising for the new blockbuster. Several German actors are also waiting to learn their text. Unbelievable, you think, but really true.
Imagine, the book is not even completely written and I have already two people who want to translate it! First edition will be in German. The editor who has his printing and publishing company running near Stuttgart, Southern Germany had confirmed again his high interest to bring the book to live.
The book will have about 400 to 600 pages, depending on size. Illustrations will give even more live to this outstanding work.
The cover is being painted by a friend of mine, the Australian Nizstaro, a gifted artist.
I gave the first chapters several people to read and all of them couldn’t stop reading until the last word.
This afternoon, January 15. 2009 in New Delhi, when I was writing about the fifth page of my new novel - something unbelievable happened - I was so in my story that tears filled my eyes and wetted my nose too, writing down an event that was so real it thouroughly touched my own soul - this is the best proof that it will be a bestseller!
More details will follow soon …

cover of book 3 painted by artist Adelaide Freitas, Lisbon, Portugal (Buchumschlag wurde von der portugiesischen Malerin Adelaide Freitas eigens für dieses Buch auf Leinwand gemalt). Painted on canvas exclusively for volume three of the trilogy "The Female Hermit"
O Fantástico romance do escritor, Suiço, ROLF WAEBER, com a capa de minha autoria. All The Best To You ROLF!!!!!!!!!!!!
O Grande e Amigo Escritor Suiço, ROLF WAEBER, recomendo a leitura dos seus romances, são encantadores... Boa leitura a todos os amigos e continuação de um Bom Ano 2013!!!
July 13, 2015
O Meu Amigo Rolf Waeber Escritor Suiço, que escreveu e publicou o seu 4º livro com a capa de uma pintura de minha autoria... Continuação de muito SUCESSO Amigo Buchautor Rolf Waeber